I woke this morning with this question in my mind: do I have capacity? The dictionary definition is:' the power of containing or holding', there is also the word 'room' and then the word 'capability'. I spent yesterday evening at The Nightingale Theatre (Brighton) as part of a group of artists, producers, funders, directors who had been invited to reflect on the work of the Nightingale and propose thoughts for the future. Each person in the room is committed to their work and each person experiences their functional capacity as stretched; not enough hours in the day, not enough income. Last night however demonstrated a different kind of capacity, an infinite one, for generosity, for compassion, for intellectual engagement, for committment, for vision. Each person stretching their capacity beyond the functional. We live in difficult times and I experience, more regularly now, a clutching fear that these difficult times will prevent me from achieving my potential; living functionally without capacity for creativity, without capacity for compassion, without capacity for generosity. The answer to my own question is Yes I do have capacity. A further question is:will it sustain? The answer, as long as I use my capacity to benefit myself AND my community, is Yes.